Monday, March 12, 2012


Adam Gomes

1) What is your business?
We help assist the drunken problems a highly intoxicated person may encounter while out on the weekend. The fact that the program is government funded, only helps in decreasing DUIs and alcohol related incidents per year.

2) Describe your business in one sentence
A few tow trucks will be out in the tow on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturday night (also big events known for drinking) and will offer to pick people up who are highly intoxicated at no concern to them. Tip the driver and he’ll give you fries.

3) Who is your target audience?
Drunken students and adults. This market needs to be catered to the most. We’ll fire off an ad campaign for those two and we’ll work on one targeted to new drivers

4) Who are your competitors?
Sometimes AAA

5) What makes them better/worse than your product/service?
Sometimes AAA, but unlike us, they do it around New Years Eve out of the goodness of their souls. Where as DrunkenFries is government funded.

6) Do you currently have an identity? No.. still working on it !

7) (If your answer to #6 is no, skip this question) What do you like about it and what don’t you like about it? #Skipping

8) How do you want your image to be seen in two years?
In a few years, I want my company to be seen as a company willing to help the average struggling citizens/college students out. Some people may be to stupidly intoxicated to think to take a cab home. And maybe they will be so drunk that they’ll make bad decisions; such as not taking a cab because they don’t want to spend money.

These following questions might seem silly, but their purpose is to help generate ideas.

9) If your company was an animal, what animal would it be and why?
Tiger. Each truck driver will act with a sense of urgency. They will each drive around well known, bar-filled areas praying on drunks to walk out and possibly stumble to their cars. We will be there to help!

10) If your company/brand was a person, who would it be and why?
Donald Trump. Just like Trump is passionate to his country, DrunkFries are passionate in keeping drunks off the road. Its not entirely a drunk person’s fault if they kill someone while intoxicated. As a company, we’ll be there to be that prevention before it happens.

11) If your company/brand was an object, what would it be?
A big strong tow truck

12) If your customer was a cartoon character, who would it be?
Ex: Snooki and the others from the Jersey Shore !

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